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How a Circular Economy Can Support a Post-Pandemic World

Mary Needham

Bywaters explore how a circular economy can help support a post pandemic world – changing our perception on industries with the biggest carbon footprint.

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Back to Business: Safety First

Harry Harbard

With many of us returning to a new way of working, Bywaters would like to take this opportunity to reassure our customers of the additional safety measures we have undertaken to manage the new government guidelines.  

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Sustainable Travel: Tourism and the Environment

Ken Ogura

Bywaters looks at the environmental impact of the tourist industry, and offers some tips on how to travel sustainably.

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Healthy Living: Mental Wellbeing and Working from Home

Harry Harbard

The world might feel like it’s literally collapsing in on itself right now, we find ourselves being bombarded with news and forecasts that can take a toll on our mental health and wellbeing. If you feel like you can’t keep up, you’re most certainly not alone.

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Rewilding and Sustainability

Ken Ogura

In this part of our blog series on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we look at Goal 15 – Life on Land – and how to make the most of our sustainability efforts.

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Farms vs. Labs: Meat, Land and a Sustainable Britain

Luke van den Barselaar

Bywaters takes a look at the problems of food production, and examine some of the more futuristic solutions to unsustainable farming

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A Decade of Action – Tackling Food Waste

Luke van den Barselaar

We look at the UN’s second Sustainable Development Goal, and explore the ways that we can make the most of our food

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A Decade of Action – The Green Consumer & Sustainable Consumption

Kirstie Warman

We are seeing a conscious change in the way many life essentials products are packaged, as direct result of the importance major environment impacts having on the planet. A direct response to this is seen in the increase sales of reusable coffee cups and water bottles and plastic straws are now banned in many restaurants.

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Keep recycling at home

Kirstie Warman

We have all heard the 3R’s – reuse, reduce, recycle – which we try to achieve in everyday life. Despite this some of us are guilty of not putting waste into the correct bin, this can be due to many being disconnected from the journey of waste and it’s more exciting than most people think!

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A Decade of Action – Renewable Energy

Luke van den Barselaar

We look at the UN’s seventh Sustainable Development Goal, and announce our new energy certification: ISO 50001

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McDonalds Reduces Plastic Production

Luke van den Barselaar

McDonalds announced that they will no longer be including hard plastic toys with their Happy Meals as part of a drive to reduce plastic waste and increase sustainability

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Precious Resources: World Water Day 2020

Luke van den Barselaar

In another instalment of our series on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we look at the necessity of clean and accessible water to raise awareness for the UN’s World Water Day – Sunday the 22nd of March

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Decade of Action: With Bywaters’

Luke van den Barselaar

In the first post in our ‘Decade for Change’ blog series, we take an introductory look at the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Secretary-General called for a ‘decade of action’ to start in 2020, urging governments and UN member states to double-down on efforts the meet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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On NHS Sustainability Day, we reflect on the vital importance of the NHS

Ken Ogura

The National Health Service is currently under unprecedented levels of scrutiny and stress as they act as the first responders during the coronavirus outbreak. In times like these, we think it is important to take a moment and recognise the vital work of the NHS.

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The Dangers of Battery Disposal

Max Adams

Batteries are everywhere, powering many of the devices that are essential to modern life. However, the majority of fires in the waste management industry are caused by the incorrect disposal of batteries. This is why Bywaters works closely with our clients to provide safe and sustainable battery recycling solutions.

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