Can you recycle coffee cups?


Yes, you can!
Seperate waste stream required

How to recycle coffee cups at home

How to recycle coffee cups

Coffee cups can not be recycled through your household waste collection. It can be recycled through other means.

  1. Coffee cups can not be recycled through your household waste bins due to the thin lining of plastic used to prevent them from leaking.
  2. Purchase reusable coffee cups to save money and the environment.
  3. You can also take your coffee cups to a recycling centre.

How to recycle coffee cups for your business

  1. Coffee cups have their own dedicated waste stream. Only paper cups – not compostable cups (this has a separate waste stream).
  2. While collecting coffee cups, make sure they’re clean and separate from other waste and contaminants.
  3. Contact Bywaters to arrange a collection.
  4. After it goes through us, our partner facility James Cropper separates both the paper and plastic – ensuring that no material goes to waste.
Bywaters Launches University Coffee Cup Recycling Project



  • Make sure all coffee cups are empty before recycling
  • Remove the lid and recycle separately

Do not

  • Do not place coffee cups in your household recycling bin
  • Do not place coffee cups in the dry recycling bin
  • Compostable cups can not be recycled (this is a separate waste stream)

The Coffee Cup Recycling Process

Your coffee cups are collected by our electric van

We bulk your cups and transport them to our partner mill

The mill separates the plastic from the paper in the cup

The plastic is recycled into new products

The paper is recycled into high-quality paper products

Facts about Coffee cups

Nando enquiry

Register your interest, and one of our recycling experts will be in touch.

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