Can you recycle carpets?


Yes, you can!
Seperate waste stream required

Can you recycle carpets at home?

Carpets can’t be recycled through your normal household recycling collection. Check with your local waste authorities to schedule a collection.

    1. Before recycling, consider donating to a friend, charity or organisation of your choice.
    2. Carpets that are irreparable can be taken to your local recycling centre.
    3. You can also review the Waste Hierarchy to find the most efficient means of disposal.

How to recycle carpets for your business

The most reliable waste management companies will always prioritise a circular approach to recycling. Your carpets will be assessed by our team of sustainabilite specialists, who will help find the most sustainability solution to your waste needs.

    1. We will arrange a suitable schedule to collect your carpets and other material.
    2. Your items will be moved via our eco-friendly Euro 6 Fleet to our solar powered MRF.
    3. It will be broken down and segregated at our Gateway Road site into recyclable and non-recyclable materials.
    4. Materials which can be recycled are sent to reprocessors to be transformed into new items, such as furniture.
    5. The materials that can not be recycled are incinerated, with the energy produced used to power London through the national grid. 



  • Consider where you may be able to donate your carpets to
  • Search through our list of possible collection points for carpets
  • Contact your local council to have your carpets collected

Do not

  • Do not put carpets outside of your house. It is a common misconception that this is permitted, however, it is not true and it is in fact not lawful, and can result in a fine

The Energy Recovery Process

Your waste is segregated

It is collected by our Euro 6 vehicles

The material is bulked together at our facility in Bow

Barges transport the bulked waste to an energy from waste plant

The waste is incinerated, feeding energy into the National Grid

Facts about carpets

  • The UK creates as much as 500,000 tonnes of waste from carpets each year, much of which it ends up in landfills.
  • 91% of carpet waste ends up in landfill, and only 5% gets recycled.
  • A lot of modern carpets are made of either wool, synthetic materials, or a mix wool and plastic fibres. Carpet backing is often a soft plastic.

Nando enquiry

Register your interest, and one of our recycling experts will be in touch.

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