Can you recycle bubble wrap?


Yes, you can!
Seperate waste stream required

How to recycle bubble wrap at home

How to recycle bubble wrap

You can’t recycle bubble wrap with traditional household-bins because the material it is made from is conisdered low-grade plastic.

  1. Local recycling centres and some shops accept bubble wrap as part of their take-back schemes for plastic bags.
  2. You can repurpose or donate your usable bubble wrap.
  3. Bubble wrap is made from LDPE plastic, which means that it can be recycled alongside plastic bags in specific recycling bins. These designated carrier bag recycling bins are usually found in many large supermarkets.

How to recycle bubble wrap at your business

  1. Firstly, consult the waste hierarchy and consider reusing your bubble wrap.
  2. Our sustainability specialists will provide you with a list of organisations to take your bubble wrap to for recycling.
  3. Bubble Wrap belongs to a separate waste stream from other more widely recyclable plastic.
  4. Contact your local recycling company to arrange a collection.



  • Repurpose or reuse your bubble wrap as much as you can
  • Find plastic bag recycling points for your bubble wrap

Do not

  • Don’t throw bubble wrap in your recycling bin at home

Facts about bubble wrap

  • Bubble wrap is recyclable, just like plastic carrier bags. It’s made from the same material, LDPE plastic, which means that it can be recycled alongside plastic bags in special recycling bins. These designated carrier bag recycling bins can usually be found in many large supermarkets. 
  • LDPE Plastic is a popular plastic in product manufacturing as its low cost contributes to the final product.
  • It can be processed easily by most thermoplastic procedures.


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