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When is World Clean Up Day 2024?

World Clean Up Day is one of the most significant dates in the sustainability calendar. In 2024, it will take place on Saturday, 21st September. This annual event unites millions of volunteers, governments, and organisations worldwide to tackle the global waste crisis.

Since its inception in 2008, World Cleanup Day has grown into a global movement involving over 190 countries and 50 million volunteers. In 2023, 19.1 million people from 91% of all countries participated in World Cleanup Day, and 205,000 tonnes of waste were collected globally. This year, it is aimed to make an even bigger impact!

World Clean-Up Day activities

There are numerous ways to get involved, from participating in local clean-up events to spreading the word about sustainability. To celebrate World Cleanup Day, we’ve compiled a list of impactful actions you can take.

Beach cleans

Plastics make up over 80% of marine litter, according to the European Environment Agency. Beach cleans provide a hands-on way to intercept waste before it pollutes oceans. At Bywaters, we’ve facilitated numerous beach cleans for some of London’s largest organisations. Get in touch to see how your business can join in and benefit from some positive PR while helping the environment.

In 2023, over 400,000 volunteers participated in beach clean-ups across the globe, contributing to the removal of 10,000 tonnes of plastic from coastlines. Let’s aim for even more this year!

Community events

Organising a local event is a fantastic way to inspire action. Whether it’s a litter pick, an educational workshop, or a sustainability fair, the possibilities are endless. Working together as a community can help combat the feeling that environmental protection is a solo effort. You might be surprised by how many people are eager to get involved.

A successful example from 2023 was the “Great British Spring Clean“, which saw over 500,000 volunteers collecting litter nationwide. Reach out to your local council to find out how you can plan a community event this September!

Social media campaigns

Social media remains a powerful tool for raising awareness. In 2023, the hashtag #WorldCleanUpDay reached over 500 million users on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. You can use your social media channels to share pictures, raise awareness of upcoming events, or start a conversation about sustainability. Don’t forget to use the official hashtag!

Online donations

If you’re unable to attend in person, consider donating to environmental charities that align with your values. In 2023, £4.8 million was raised for environmental causes, helping fund efforts to combat plastic pollution, deforestation, and climate change.

Some UK-based organisations to consider supporting include:

Keep Britain Tidy

Surfers Against Sewage

The Marine Conservation Society

Educational resources

Understanding the bigger picture is key to making long-term changes. Take advantage of the wealth of educational resources available. Websites like Friends of the Earth or Greenpeace offer insights into waste reduction, plastic pollution, and climate change.

According to Surfers Against Sewage, the UK uses over 38.5 million plastic bottles daily, with less than 60% being recycled. Learning about these facts is crucial for raising awareness and taking meaningful action.

Spread the message

One of the easiest yet most impactful ways to contribute to World Cleanup Day is by spreading the word. Whether it’s a conversation with friends or sharing information online, every effort counts. Encouraging even one more person to get involved can create a ripple effect, inspiring more positive action in your community.

World Cleanup Day isn’t just a one-day event. It’s a stepping stone to a more sustainable future. Take the first step on this journey and join the millions of people around the world in making a difference!

Partner with Bywaters

As London’s leading recycling company, Bywaters is proud to support businesses and individuals in their sustainability efforts. Get in touch today to learn how we can help you take action this World Cleanup Day.

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