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As the world becomes more and more environmentally conscious, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of recycling. Unfortunately, there are many myths out there about recycling that people believe without questioning them. In this article, we will debunk some of these myths and set the record straight.

Recycling myth 1: All materials can be recycled together

One common misconception is that all recyclable materials can be recycled together. This is simply not the case. Different materials require different recycling processes, and mixing them together can actually contaminate the recycling stream and make it more difficult to recycle properly.

Recycling myth 2: Coffee cups can’t be recycled

Something you may not know; coffee cups tend to be lined with plastic or wax to stop your fresh cappuccino from leaking, this makes them difficult to recycle, but not impossible! With Bywaters state-of-the-art technology, it’s very straightforward!

In the UK we use 7 million disposable coffee cups every day – that’s 2.5 billion every year, we couldn’t just let them go to ‘waste’.

Recycling myth 3: Everything can only be recycled once

Contrary to popular belief, this is not always true. In fact, there are many materials that can be recycled multiple times with no loss in quality. Aluminum and glass can effectively be recycled indefinitely. Even paper can be recycled multiple times, although the fibers do break down each time it is recycled.

Recycling myth 4: All general waste goes to landfill

A major and understandable concern people tend to have with general waste, is the idea that all general waste goes to Landfill. This is a myth, one that has been dispelled before, but even more so by the truth. At Bywaters, we use a more sustainable method, sending your general waste by barge to be incinerated, this produces electricity and helps power London.

Recycling is resourceful!

Recycling myth 5: Beverage bottle caps can’t be recycled

One of the most common recycling myths is that beverage bottle caps can’t be recycled. This is simply not true! Most caps are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which is a type of plastic that can be easily recycled. In fact, many recycling facilities will accept caps with the bottles.

However, there are a few exceptions. Some caps are made from low-density polyethylene (LDPE), which is not as easily recycled. And some caps, such as those on wine bottles, are made from metal and need to be recycled separately.

Recycling myth 6: You need to rinse out food containers before recycling them?

This is another myth that is partially true. While it’s not necessary to rinse out every last bit of food from a container before recycling it, it is important to give it a quick rinse. This will help prevent contamination at the recycling facility and make the recycling process more efficient.

Another common myth is that you can’t recycle pizza boxes. This one is partially true. While the cardboard box itself can be recycled, the greasy mess left behind by the pizza can’t. So, if you have a pizza box that’s mostly clean, go  and recycle it. But if it’s covered in grease, it’s best to throw it away.

So, what can you do to help avoid making these common recycling mistakes? Well, for starters, make sure to read up on what can and cannot be recycled in your area. Secondly, always double check that you’re putting the right items in the recycle bin – it might seem like a hassle, but it’s worth it to make sure your efforts are actually helping the environment. Finally, try to get your friends and family on board with recycling – the more people who participate, the better!



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