Can you recycle clinical and medical waste?

No, you can’t

How to recycle clinical and medical waste at home

Clinical waste should not be recycled using household waste bins.

  1. Sanitary towels and nappies can be thrown in your general waste bin.
  2. Other clinical waste items can cause harm to the environment and planet, so must be disposed of properly, through local collection points.
  3. The Government offers clinical waste collection points across the country.

It is essential to understand that clinical waste can cause a significant threat to our health and the environment. Due to its potentially hazardous nature, it’s essential that these items are disposed of properly to prevent any negative consequences. While some clinical waste items can be recycled using your regular household bins, it is important to note that only a select few fall into this category.


How to recycle clinical waste for your business

  1. Check for a hazardous sticker. All hazardous aerosol cans should be recycled with hazardous waste.
  2. All non-hazardous aerosol cans should be recycled in Dry Mixed Recycling.
  3. Place empty canisters in your Dry Mixed Recycling.



  • Place nappies, pads or sanitary towels in a tightly wrapped bag and place them immediately in your general waste bin

Do not

  • Do not throw any clinical waste in your recycling bin

The Clinical Waste Recovery Process

We provide UN-approved containers to store your clinical waste

We collect your waste with an environmentally-friendly fleet

Your clinical waste is handled safely by trained professionals

Your waste is then transported to a specialist facility for treatment

All clinical waste is incinerated with the resulting energy recovered

The Hazardous Waste Recycling Process

We provide safe and secure hazardous waste containers

Your hazardous waste is collected by environmentally-friendly vehicles

Some waste types, like oils, can be recycled into fuels

Other streams are sent to energy from waste facilities for recovery

Energy recovered from your waste is fed back into the National Grid

Facts about clinical and medical waste

NHS providers in England produce approximately 156,000 tonnes of clinical waste each year that is either sent to high temperature incineration (HTI) or for alternative treatment (AT), which is equivalent to over 400 loaded jumbo jets of waste. This has a significant environmental impact and is associated with high running costs and carbon emissions.

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