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Bywaters offers waste management services to the o2 Arena, one of Londons most notable multi-purpose spaces. The o2 Arena is home to 20,000 capacity arena, indoor theatre, a music club, a Cineworld cinema, an exhibition space, piazzas, bars, and restaurants.

To help keep the o2 arena environment clean and to significantly decrease waste container movement, Bywaters installed eight pods. Each POD disposes of 1.8 tonnes of waste, equivalent to 24- 30 X 1100 litre wheelie bins.

Installation of the POD at the o2 Arena has saved a considerable amount of floor space. Each POD has a width of 3645mm, the same width as 6 x 1100 litre bins but can take the same amount of waste as 24 -30 x 1100 bins. Thus, saving upwards of 40% floor space, enabling the o2 to utilise their floor space for other actives.

The multiple PODs in the o2 Arena have also drastically reduced vehicle movement due to its size, larger waste loads can be transported using less space saving the o2 arena more money per anum and co2 emissions.

At the o2 moving and emptying 16 bins around would take around 45 minutes, compared to the POD, which would take about 11minutes, 1/4 of the time to empty and move the same amount of waste, dramatically increasing efficiency and time.


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